
The Ninja Turtle

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is an emblem that I continue to come up with ways to improve it. I've made this one on about 4 different occasions each time out-doing the one before.

This is my final version for now. to see the original Ninja Turtle emblem go Here.

How-To can be found HERE

Oscar the Grouch

Everyone's favorite Sesame Street character is back! and this time he's got some shootin to do!

have the most gangster children's icon ever as your COD Emblem.

Space Gun

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is another idea I had never thought of. Use a bunch of layers to make a gun that doesn't even really exist in the game. This is a pretty spiffy space gun though, and I believe the Marvin the Martian emblem would like to get his hands on it.

This is another idea I'd like to build upon, I may try my hand at gun making today when I get home.

Caught Baitin'

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This one is pretty self explanatory, but another humorous emblem that made me laugh when I first saw it.

7-Up Logo

This is a super simple one that I just really hadn't thought of. the 7-Up logo. Everyone's third favorite lemon-lime soda!

Xbox RROD Eagle

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is my revamped version of the xbox logo emblem I posted here.

and here is a link to the How-to picture with a list of all the layers:

*The top layer is the Eagle/circle thing. and the Buzzsaw is used to cover the grin's that remain outside of the circle. just increase the size of the buzzsaw so that the inner circle is over the xbox logo

High Five Guy!

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is my current emblem. and its my favorite of them all so far. The best thing I like is that I can change the background to alot of different things using the 3 extra layers I had after building the smiley nerd man.

Currently I have a blue sky and 2 clouds behind him.


Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Now I dont play the game in 3D cause I dont have a 3D TV. But I really like this logo. At first it looks super complicated and alot more detailed than it really is. but they just put the D behind the glasses and then the 3 on top.

Monster Eye

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is probably in my top ten emblems list at first glance it looks very simple, then you see all the layers used, the grin near the bottom as reflection, the splatter , the curved line at the top right as reflection, even the eyelid has an extra layer!

These are the kind of emblems that make me excited to play with the system.

Philadelphia Flyers Alternate

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is a version of the Philly Flyers logo I saw recently. that looks great!

Shadow Soldier

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
I've seen alot of variations on the Soldier Silhouette image.

let me first mention something, Doesn't it kind of Dehumanize soldiers and the lives lost if all the news images are just outer shadows? all of a sudden that's not a person, its a soldier, a nameless faceless soldier who can die for oil and it wont bother the average housewife!

Now i'll get off my soapbox.

This is probably the coolest version of the Soldier Silhouette image that i've seen. I really do like this one.


Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
How good are you at COD Black Ops? Good Enough to make this naked man shit his Non existent pants! thats how good!

That or all the enemies your shooting at are naked, and this is your subliminal message of "this will happen to you after you meet me".

Cause dead people poop after death.... get it? No? Well then... Moving on

Damn You Birds!!!

this was one of the few emblems that I actually Laughed out Loud when I saw it. that guy looks very displeased with that bird. But its such a pretty day outside!

Black Op'd Peas

Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
I feel like this is what Will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas would have as his COD Emblem. Its simple, and futuristic in the way his plastic hair from the superbowl performance was plastic.

Assasin's Creed The Cartoon!

This is a stylized version of the now iconic Assassin's Creed Hooded Assassin

The Masked Skullion

Saw a simpler more rough version of this while playing HQ (Which for anyone who enjoys the COD Emblems, is a great game type to play, I see a lot of very well made/usually funny emblems in the HQ gametype.

Wet Floor Sign

Was out getting mexican food when I saw a Wet Floor sign and thought it was something I could make easily on COD Black Ops.