
Hatchet man (not ICP)

This was a emblem I came up with when I wanted to make a hatchet related pic to play some sticks n'stones games. This is super easy to make now that I've thought about it. Its not worth posting. But I typed all this with my Zune HD. That's too much effort to throw away


Marvin the Martian

Marvin the Martian
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Made this one from scratch the other day. pretty simple when you think about it. But a clue on the helmet.

Use the eagle/circle looking thing, twist it upside down for the sides of the helmet.

Two curved lines stacked on top of each other, and one more behind in black to make the line that seperates it from the rest of the helmet.

Thumb Muncher

Thumb Muncher
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This one has gotten me the most compliments. I think because its not a known cartoon character, its not a symbol or logo. and its decently funny.

Use the "Curvy 3" the same color as the background to cut off the thumb.

and curved lines as eyelids.

Philly Flyers Logo

Philly Flyers Logo
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is one of the first emblem's I made on my own. The Philly Flyers logo.

How-To is coming soon. but for now, The hint is this. Use Circles for the circle part.
Use the scythe four times to make the curved left side ends.
and the Private Symbol for the bottom angled line.

Another tip. Instead of coloring it in like I did here, Just make the whole box black by using one layer and making the box large enough to take up the whole space.

Peter Griffin

Peter Griffin
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
There is alot about this one to like. The first being that the guy I saw who first had it was named SkeetyPeety

Second being that if you look closely, the shapes dont make alot of sense, but when viewed as a whole it looks almost perfect.

And who doesn't want to throw in their imitation of Peter's Famous laugh after each kill?

Chester Cheeto

Chester Cheeto
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Will be working on finding this one again, The colors came out really bad. This was a super impressive logo when I saw it on my tv. It's Chester Cheeto!

Mario Fire Flower

Mario Fire Flower
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Really, if your going to use this emblem, You need to have a flame thrower attached to your weapon.

Rebel Alliance

Rebel Alliance
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
The Rebel Alliance Logo from Star Wars.
Just found this one last night, It will be one I will figure out how to make, and then post a How-To.

Remember, if you see an emblem on here and want to know how to make it, leave a comment on the post and I'll make sure to post those how-to's before working on something no one wants to see.

Sticks and Stones Emblem

There was a time when I played Sticks N' Stones for about a week straight. During that time I began to get good at throwing hatchets and keeping the rest of the players near zero, while still scoring points with my crossbow and ballistic knife. I wanted a logo that looked mischievous and that had a hatchet behind his back. This is what I came up with.

Quick rundown of how-to
-Whatsit for body
-Oval of same color to cover Whatsit's Eyes.
-Boot x2
-Zombie Arm x2
-thick oval (Head)
-Circle (White of eyes)
-Bloodshot Eye
-Cartoon Smirk
-Splatter #2

Cool Bear

Cool Bear
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This one uses a lot of layers, But its a simple image. Easily recognizable. A lot of players make their emblems too complicated. you want the person you just killed or that's aiming at you to know exactly who you are, and how many times they've seen you before in that game.

if you really want to get in their head, use a simple recognizable image that's also maybe a little out of place, Like this cuddly teddy bear with sunglasses in a game where your sole purpose is shooting the enemy's head off.

Boom Headshot

Boom Headshot
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Emblems like this one continue to prove sometimes you dont need to use all the layers available. This is a perfect 6 layer emblem that grabs your attention and looks like just what it was intended to be.

Green Bay Packers

Green Bay Packers
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
In honor of the 2011 Super Bowl Champions the Green Bay Packers I thought this was a very well made logo recreation.


Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
One of the guys I know from college made this robocop emblem. One of the few people I've seen set an emblem and keep it for longer than a week. he's had this for the last 2 months I believe.

RPG Militiaman

Rocket Launcher Man
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Just a Militia man with some RPG's here... Nothing Suspicious.

Conan O'Shooter

Blam redhead
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This was my attempt to make a Conan Obrian logo, its simplified because I wanted the detailed face, and I wanted the muzzle flash also.

Xbox Logo

Xbox Logo
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is another simple idea, That I believe could be even better. I'll be working on recreating and improving on this idea today when I get home. I'll post the results tomorrow.


Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
The color of my latest captured emblems is off a little bit. Kinda blue. My white balance must not have been on the correct setting. Anyway, this is my black and white and green DP logo I made, DP standing for Deadpool. With an angel zombie up top.

Cool Revolver

Cool Revolver
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Another fairly simple idea, Take a circle, Place red revolver on it, then put outline's on top of that. I found this guy last night. Good ups to ya sir.

Pizza Bomb

Pizza Bomb
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is another simple logo, But I really started to like it quickly.

I decided if I ever own a pizza shop, This will be the logo. We'll call it Pizza Bomb

Skull Dog

Skull Dog
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is a good example of how simple ideas are sometimes the best. Just 5 layers, but its very affective.

Clown Skull

Clown Skull
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
I didn't make this one, but was pretty impressed with it. Pretty Perfectly made.

Vampire Skull Hatchets

Vampire Skull Hatchets
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
Another variation of the Vampire Skull emblem, where we put hatchets with blood dripping from them. I used this one mainly in the Sticks N Stones wager Gametype.

Vampire Skull Arrows

Vampire Skull Arrows
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is one of the more simple emblems i've put together, Just a skull, with some tall triangles as vampire fangs, with the arrows and ovals behind it.

Joker Splatter

Joker Splatter
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
And With batman, You have to have his arch nemesis. The Joker. I love this emblem, its one of the most perfect and well done emblems i've seen.

A How-to of this post will be available at some point soon. If you can't wait I'll give you a hint. Rounded Shield (Face) Watsits are used for the mouth and hair. and the first splatter is used for the eyes.


Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
this is the coolest looking batman emblem i've seen. There are alot of them out there, but this one is pretty awesome.

X-men Logo

X-men Logo
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
We'll continue the superhero theme here. This one is the xmen logo that Cyclops wears, I believe at one point most of the xmen wore this, but recently and in different universes its either not there, or just cyclops is wearing it.

Deadpool new school logo

This is a bit of an update, This is more the style of deadpool symbol from the Cable & Deadpool series.

Deadpool Logo

Deadpool Logo
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is the Oldschool Deadpool logo. Like Captain America's Shield or Superman's S this is the symbol originally associated with the Marvel Character Deadpool.

Deadpool Ninja

Deadpool Ninja
Originally uploaded by Epic Emblems
This is one of the first Deadpool themed Emblem's I made.


Hello and Welcome to Epic Emblems. A photoblog of  Call of Duty Black Ops Playercard Emblems that I make or find.

For this Today I'll just be putting up some pictures, but coming soon... How-To Posts, See an emblem you like? I'll teach you how to make it for yourself! You can find me on XboxLive "Deadpool1205"